Most of the theories on the origins of language have all shown that language arose of man's desire to adapt to his environment. For instance, the cooperation and contact theories show that language (speech) came into being out of the human instinct for survival and contact.
One of the basic conditions that must be fulfilled before an individual can claim membership of any society is the ability to communicate effectively in the language of that society (community-social group). The norms and traditions of a society are transmitted through specific linguistic codes (language). This view is in consonance with Hallowell's (1953) claim that:
“A necessary condition for socialization in man is the learning
And use of language and by the way, a socially conditioned
Aspect of it, to be relevant in that social group of which he is a
No matter how primitive a society is, its cultural values and beliefs are presented in well defined linguistic forms and nuances. Among the various functions of language in our society, specialization is perhaps one of the greatest. It gives a distinct exclusivity and pride to a group. This is perhaps why the military and police personale will call those who do not understand their peculiar meta-language as "bloody, civilians". This is echoed in Sapir's view when he noted that: "Language is a great force of socialization probably the greatest" - Edward Sapir: Culture Language and Personality: University of California press (1956) page 1.
Perhaps, Bell's opinion is even more apt when he says:
“Language is a set of culturally transmitted behaviour
patterns shared by a group of individuals.
Roger Bell, sociolinguistics: Goods, Approaches and. problems: London, B. T. Batsford Ltd (1976) P.l4. In Bell's view, language cannot be divorced from culture and society. A member of any society who does not know well, when and how to use the language peculiar to his society is a social outcast". The ability to use the specialized and predominant languages of a society enhances social mobility, way, competence, reviewing and professionalism.
Having established that the French or language use of a group society sensitizes members to the orderly society. It has equally been established that language mobilized in entirety, the personalities of members to more effectively interact with the philosophy and codes of conduct of their societies.
In conclusion, language can be used to social solidarity and group infirmity. That is the reason a member of a security agency would probably not need any formal identification, when out of uniform, when he discusses with another officer of the law in the specialized security and police language. We will immediately experience a reality of, "he talks as us; he is one of us"
On the strength of the above lies the basis of this essay - an analyses of a special variety of language used by a special group in furtherance and advancement of their set objectives; hence, the Linguistic stylistic Analysis of Nigerian security Agencies use of language, with emphasis on the Nigeria Police Register.
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